Often many problems will arise when you start dating a girl- no, not between you guys, you’re both probably too filled with giddiness to be able to point out any problems if there were to be any.
But that isn’t to say there is no friction outside your little bubble of the perfect world.
So, first off: MAKE SURE YOU DON’T SPEND EVER WAKING SECOND WITH HER. Not only will that mean your life is empty without her, girls have a strict ‘Chicks before Dicks’ rule and they’re expected to adhere to it.
She probably has a best friend, or a group of friends she is particularly close to. Make sure she still has the time to spend with other people other than you. Don’t be selfish, trust me in that the last thing you want is for her friends to be against you.
So the point is, don’t pressure her to spend all her time with you- she probably wants to, but she has a life too. Pressuring her will only make things harder for her. So be a gentleman and tell her she doesn’t need to focus all her attention on you (even if you and I both know that you know, you honestly really actually want that.)
But I guess if she’s not a believer in the rule, you can’t do much about it, can you?!