Friday, March 6, 2009

How To Turn A Friend Into A Girlfriend

If you're starting to feel attracted to a girl who you are already friends with, well congrats because you just saved yourself that super duper hard leap of having to get to know her. In a way, you've got it easy.

Instead of having to:
  • learn about her interests and who she really is,
  • figure out whether she hates you or not, or
  • find out if she's mental,
you get to cut the chase and go in for capture.

However, it can also set you back slightly:
  • she might view you as a brother, instead of someone date-able
  • your secret hints and flirtatiousness might be seen as friendly gestures
  • if you ask her out and she says no, your friendship is ruined.
But not to worry! Here are 5 easy peasy steps to follow (you may have to modify them slightly depending on your girl):
  1. Make sure she does not have a boyfriend, or another guy of interest. If she does, you're screwed. You could try to get rid of the boyfriend/guy of interest, but murdering him is not an option. Try pointing out his flaws to her, or showing your superiority over him.
  2. Double check that she has interests in going out with a guy. If she's a lesbian, or she is 100% school/work focused, she will not go out with you no matter how much she likes you. Find out before you ask her, for the sake making both your lives easier.
  3. Let her know you like her as more than a friend. This is probably the most difficult step, and presumably the most time consuming. Do things that are extra nice, even nicer than you would normally be. Hug her more often, put your arm around her if it feels right, flirt with her, but don't go too extreme. Another discrete way is to give her yellow roses with red tips (they're a secret rose signal for 'friendship turning into love'). Then find out if she's interested in you. If she states that you're like a brother to her, or she deflects all your attempts to flirt, clearly she is not interested. Open your eyes and ears, and look for the signs.
  4. Think carefully. If she likes you, and you like her, then THINK CAREFULLY. Think about the friendship you guys have. If you're barely friends, then skip this step. But if you are the bestest of buddies, carefully consider the possibility that you two would one day break up. It is a known fact that no, you cannot simply still be friends. It will not be the same. One will be the bitter ex inside, and the other will be the horrible-guilty-feeling person. If you are sure you want to risk it, then go for it. But if you simply want to be friends; if you think you'll get over her quickly, or if you treasure your friendship more, then STOP RIGHT HERE AND GO NO FURTHER.
  5. Ask her out. GO FOR IT. If all the above steps have been followed, then the transition would be as smooth as a pair of freshly waxed legs. And that's real smooth.
And may the two of you live happily ever after, and be best friends and lovers, like in all the soppy sloppy movies.