Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why Intelligent Girls Dig You

So I have been looking around (usually every other day I walk about with my eyes shut! haha, I'm so funny.) and realized that intelligent people go with intelligent people. Maybe it's not such a perfect balance in most cases, however, it is very unlikely that the intelligence is completely off balanced, such as money and social classes are some times are.

I mean, "love is all you need". I'm sure Mr Darcy said something like that somewhere (hmm, and by Mr Darcy, I meant John Lennon).

If you go for those girls who stick their heads in the clouds (you know, they should seriously change that expression! I think clouds are nice stuff!) wearing their mini skirts (and if you are a guy who wears mini skirts, then I am very sorry; sorry I have offended you and sorry that you wear mini skirts) then good for you - you are clearly not the targer audience of this post so please come back in two days for a fresh one that might be relevant to you.

By intelligent, I don't mean you necessarily have to be academically gifted/genius. If you are not good at maths, it doesn't necessarily mean you are lacking in intelligence. So for those of you who are racing your mouse up that red X up there, spare me a bone (or moments) to finish this off. Intelligence meaning not lacking in knowledge. You cannot be ignorant.

I like lame guys. And I know a LOT of chicks who (secretly) dig them. However, there are many categories of lame (well by now, you should have realised I kind of like putting things into categories). There's smart lame and dim wit lame. Being lame is no excuse for ignorance, sorry.

There is not one bigger turn off than an ignorant person. There is no such thing worse than a stupid, ignorant person. Maybe there is, a smart, ignorant person. I don't know which one I'd choose over which. But when the opportunity do arise for such extreme choices, I'd walk away and die a virgin.