Ok, I’ll admit it. There are some guys out there who really know their stuff and flirting would be second nature for them. And more often then not, they know this too.
The rest of the guy population however, seem to have totally missed out on that one flirting gene.
So I’m here not to promise you a full fledged plan on how exactly to steal her heart. More so, I am here to help you lay the foundation of being a lady’s man- because of course, every guy’s flirting style is unique.
The golden rule behind all this is to: Take Things Slowly. You don’t want to jump too hard at her. It is in human nature to get nervous if someone was to leap from being “the no one guy” to something more like “the stalkerish guy who failingly flirts with me”. You’ve totally skipped “the friendly guy who’s rather cute” and “hey I like this guy, he’s really sweet” stages.
So what do you do?
Do some research. Ask around to see what type of person she is. The types of things she listens to, whether she’s already attached (important one, this one). Get to know her, without actually talking to her, although don’t delve too deep into her history or anything- THAT is stalkerish.
Just casually ask around. It’ll help when you actually meet her- it’ll make jumping from random conversations easier.
Now you’re prepared with an arsenal of information (okay, not literally), you’re all prepared to go up and actually meet her.
Again, don’t JUMP at her. Casually initiate conversations with her, go out of your way to ‘accidentally coincidentally’ just bump into her and walk to the bus stop together. Do this enough so to be able to receive a ‘hi’ from her whenever you pass her in corridors.
Her being able to say ‘hi’ to you without being prompted is critical. It shows that she notices your presence and is comfortable with you around.
Once you’ve accomplished the ‘hi’, start to subtly let her know you like her more than she may anticipate. Initiate conversations even when unnecessary, go out of your way to walk with her to the bus stop, and let her know that- just don’t act smug about it.
Here, she’s probably going through a lot of confusion in her head. She’s probably wondering how exactly you feel about her, and to assure her, keep the compliments/favours coming.
Keep making her feel special- every girl likes to be liked, and soon enough, she’ll be all yours.