These types of women = trouble.
1. Your best friend’s ex: You’ve heard all about it, never date your best friend’s ex! Not only will it makes things super awkward with your best friend, it’ll spread and your reputation will plummet. Because honestly, what kind of friend are you if you’re going to date your best friend’s ex?
But they’ve been separate for a while now, do you say? But they’re no longer on bad terms? But your best friend is now dating someone new? THAT DOESN’T CHANGE ANYTHING! Either get the girl before your best friend, or forget the dream altogether.
2. Your best friend’s sister: ok, same deal here. What are her parents going to think? No longer will you be able to share any details (good, or bad) with your best friend, because what do you know? THEY LIVE UNDER THE SAME ROOF.
3. Your ex: Couples break up for a reason. And that is the reason why you should never get back together. The boundaries here can be a little blurred though. I personally know a lot of on again off again couples who technically, would be “dating their ex’s”. I have no problem with this kind of relationship (not meaning that I endorse it or such, although also not meaning that I object to it). By “ex’s”, I mean if you guys have truly and totally broken up and have (had) no more feelings for each other (no good ones anyway).
If you suddenly develop feelings (good ones, that is) for your ex, think back to WHY you guys broke up in the first place. Getting back together could be rerun of your past relationship.
4. Your secretary/client: Not only is it unprofessional, think of what will happen AFTER you guys break up. This is kind of like the best friend deal. Will things be able to simply revert to normal again? Yes, it is possible, but more often than not, it doesn’t work.
Moreover, it will be a distraction to your work.