Even if you have not seen the cover of the books, you'd probably have heard it is about a mediocre (ordinary teenager gurl) youngster who migrated to a town far far away from San F. This town is called Folks and she falls in love with a 107 yo virgin and gangster (by gangster & virgin, I mean vampire).
Nuff, we hear. You've probably done enough EC research yourself now so we can get basic algebra truly out of sight.
We've received a few emails from girls (or are they?) who wish their 'perfect guy' - whether he be theirs or theirs in their wonderful land called imagination - to be... lets just say more perfect. And by more perfect, we mean Edward Cullen.
So what's up with this guy? We give you girl interpretation of Edward Cullen and the reasons behind the millions of girls wearing "Team Edward" panties. (I don't own one, but you might need to check just to make sure.)
- He's facially perfect. Your solution: consult magician and/or plastic surgeon.
- He's bodily perfect. Your solution: renew gym membership and/or learn how to swim.
- He's a gentleman. Consult mother.
- BUT he's a bit of a bad boy. Oh so you can get the best of both worlds. He's nice to you when appropriate (i.e. to make yo friends soo jealous) but you know he's so spank you hard when uhmm.. the time comes which requires this being so.
I feel bad for talking about girls who desires both these contradicting traits of a male in a bad light for I myself hardly an exception upon true self reflection. The thing is, the books didn't create the character of Edward Cullen. Simply, Stephenie Meyer only extracted this universal desire of the male race into one being that EC is. In other words, for years and years girls have always wanted these two features in a male personality.
Your solution: I don't know. Become a bit of a badass, but not too much? - He's generous. So he's rich and he attempts at showering her with gifts.
I know, I know. Something about this screams "FEMINISM - WHAT THE FRENCH HAPPENED TO THAT?". Even though Bella repeatedly refuse them, anyone with half a brain would understand it is the notion that truly brings about and place emphasis upon his wealth and generousity as consequently, he resorted her to accepting more, even heftier tagged gifts. - He wants her (sexually, in case anyone missed the euphemism) her so bad, but he puts her virginity first. In other words, he's horny as (which contributes to his masculinity scores) but would rather kill himself than risk making it bad for her.
She even puts herself out (stripping him to reveal his perfect "ice sculpture" body and unbuttoning her own shirt which got him CRAZY) but he was like "No, thank you! Put it back on, you naughty little girl!"
"Why?? I want to have you. Cmon, please? Do it with me?"
"No! You know, you're killing me like this?"
"Then lets do it!"
"No, we shall wait. Because I love you. Even though I am so hot right now, I am more in love with you than I am hot therefore NO!"
This means the sex would be hellagood when it does happen. Anyone with the other half a brain would have guessed from book one that its gunna happen.
Your solution: Stay a virgin and insist upon it for a very long, long while. Good luck. - He dazzles. Your solution: buy glitter.