Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Guy Guide to Valentines Day Amidst the World Economic Crisis.

So, you:
  • have just been kicked out of home
  • lost that football bet
  • lost a game of poker
  • lost your job
  • lost your wallet
  • a student
We understand that not all guys are rich and that's okay. You don't have to be rich to be the sweetest guy in the world (well, it'd kind of help though. A lot.). Make her feel special this year, even if you are in a tight ass budget. The first rule is to be creative. Below are few ideas to get your brains pumping. Or in case you've left it last minute and now you're thinking "SHIT!". Every true love story is unique and so make it so. Feel free to modify these to any extent. You can change it completely. Remember, this is a show of love for her on one of many days you should make her feel like the one and only woman left on this planet.
  • Make a compilation of all her favorite songs. The songs on it should be significant or an inside joke to your relationship and that is why it is so special wonderful and well done in the past. Put songs that you have danced together to (trust me, she remembers and replay that video with audio over and over in her head when she's bored!), songs you know she loves. Songs with the sweetest lyrics. Add ones that are a bit of an inside joke to the both of you only. Be creative.
  • Give her an all year 'round gift. Cut out hearts and write "I love you because..." or "I love you more than..." and give them to her every day for the next year til next Vday. This really shows that Vday is just another day you love her. She'll appreciate it in the long run :)
    Nothing. Unless you want to buy precut hearts which shouldn't cost so much either.
  • Send candy hearts and roses and chocolate. Who doesn't like a bit of tradition. Be careful - if she's the type that hates conventional this might be seen as 'uncreative' to her. Most girls like a bit of cheesy sweetness, though ;)
  • Pack a picnic and just lie back and watch the day move past you.
  • Go to the library and make out.
  • Hide gifts or cards or messages all around her life so she'd find them throughout the day.
  • Surprise her. Show up at her doorsteps bright and early and scream "I LOVE YOU!!" (Make sure her parents won't mind. Make sure you've MET them/they know who the heck you are beforehand if she hasn't moved out! If not - twist this idea about a bit ;D)
  • Do her chores for her for the entire day/week/month. Do her homework, do her dishes - you get my drift.
  • Make her a cake.
  • Dress up and sing something stupid to her. Extra points for a creative/uncreative dance :)