Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You've Fallen Hard... Now What?

Scrape that. It doesn't matter if you're wholly and completely in love with her or are just crushing on her. There's a universal step that should always follow. Are you ready??

Tell her.

Yes, you heard me. There are many times of the day when I think, and stress over the lost opportunities of the world. Not just regarding my own life love, because, trust me - it's hella depressing. But of the world. Yes, I imagine all the lost opportunities of the people that I do not know and never will and it saddens me.

It saddens me that people's stupidity, insecurities, ego, pride get in the way of a path that can be truly rewarding and life changing.

I beg all men of the world to let the girl you like know it. Think about it; its the only rational thing in the world.

Aren't you completely saddened by the fact that maybe, no matter how small or slight that possibility was - that you may have ended up with her? Your life may be completely different right now. You could be listening to pretentious pop together, you could be walking along a road holding her hand. You could be spending Valentine's Day with SOMEONE this year. But you are not. You are lonely and cold. Well lonely and hot if you happen to belong in the southern hemisphere as I am aware that some of our readers are. (Don't worry Australia, China, NZ - we've not forgotten about you! :D)

It's an established social expectation that guys make the first move. Therefore, even if a girl is completely in love with you, chances are - she won't do anything about it unless you tell her or you give the green lights. And guys never give any light at all, so all there is to do is tell her. Sorry about that. You have no other option.

What is the worse that can happen? She can eat you alive, if you look like tasteful meat - but lets face it; it's unlikely she's cannibalistic. Or maybe you should ask her prior to doing the deed. Drop by and say "hey, are you a cannibal?". No, seriously, don't do that. SHE ISN'T A CANNIBAL, OKAY?! Gosh, what is the matter with you?

So, besides eating you because she is a cannibal, the worst thing she can do is say no.

But now at least you know. Let me put it this way. You will either get a yes, or a no. If it is a yes - GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME! You can now go imagine how pretty your procreations with her would be.

And if it is a no, at least now you know. At least now you will no longer be wasting your time crushing on her and getting even more hurt in the end. At least you gave yourself a chance.

Congratulations. You can now move on with your life, with or without her.

I will be writing a post on the right way to tell this special, special girl quite soon. Until then, don't fear.