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- Get a haircut. You have absolutely no idea how much this affects your overall looks, but it does. Greatly. A haircut too short will usually make your face look bigger and beefier. Big manga-hair looks ridiculous. Hair should compliment your face, not steal the spotlight.
- Buy (and use) nice cologne or a fragrance. Different girls will like different smells, but any bottled smell is better than the smell of your sweat. No one will like you if you smell like the football team.
- Attempt to wear something that doesn't look like you slept in it. Whether you're a funky graphic tee sort of guy, or a classic polo guy, make sure you actually wash your clothes, and iron them when necessary. I know this is pretty basic, but you'd be surprised at the amount of guys who forget to wash their clothes.
- Stop wearing the same thing over and over. It's probably not the first thing on your mind when you're dressing. It's probably not on your mind at all when you're dressing. But please start taking notice, and make sure you don't wear the same thing three weeks in a row. It really has people pondering over whether or not you own any other items of apparel.
- Watch your mouth. Don't be offensive. Be charming. Be suave. Be charismatic. This includes not using a swear word for every second word you speak, complimenting people, noticing if they've made a particular effort dressing up for you, remembering their references, the things they like to eat, the movies they plan on watching, and the bands they listen to.
- Ebony