Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pickup lines that COULD work, and why.

You've seen and read them all over the internet. You probably have googled it once upon a time some time ago when you were really bored. But I'm more sure about this than most things - there are hardly a handful of guys who actually have the balls to pull them off to a girl he is (note!) genuinely interested in.

Note: can - so it is largely dependent on how it pulled off, the timing, the guy, the girl etc.

  • Baby I'll treat you like my hw- I'll slam you on the table and do you all night long. A bit far fetched, I see your point. Outright offensive, maybe - but chances are you'll get a mouth wide open "HA!" or eyes deeply rolled to the back of her heads.
    This line is the epitome of crazy gangster super nerd. He is obviously, a nerd and very very comfortable himself - he uses it to his advantage. And you have got to admit it - how can you not give kudos to a man who is man enough to pull something like this.
  • I less than three you..... (i <>This isn't so much a pickup line, and would be better whispered to a girl who would love that you are being so incredibly sweet - sugar sweet enough to say something like this.
  • I wanna stick to you like glue-cose. Again, sweet - maybe sickly so but some girls are just into this stuff, you know?
  • Is your father a terrorist, because you are the bomb. Haha, who has't heard of this one? And who has heard it being used? Exactly. You do the calculations ;)
  • Lets make love like pi; irrational and never ending. Yeah, girls just like cheesy, cute stuff like this.
  • Your beauty defies real and complex analysis. Maybe not exactly like this, but remember, each and every girl likes to hear that she is goddamn beautiful. It is fundamentally known that guys lie and deceive girls all the time in this area, and girls aren't stupid (well..., okay, lets not go there) but it's still extremely nice to the ears. Do it more often, please. It is about the same as the feeling you get when you hear a chick dig how large your biceps are. Not such a bad feeling, huh?
- Alice, from Wonderland.