Friday, January 30, 2009

How To Be A Wonderful Boyfriend

  • Show that you care. This may sound obvious, but many guys are completely oblivious. Be there for her, listen to everything she has to say, even if it doesn't interest you, offer her your help or advice if she requires any, and be supportive of her decisions and beliefs
  • Don't be too clingy. Being there for her is good, but don't cross the line. Find the balance between supporting her, and giving her space. If she is busy and does not seem interested in making conversation at the moment, leave her alone for a while. It doesn't matter how many questions you ask, or how much you try to engage her in small talk, if she wants space, it WON'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
  • Do not pressure her to hang out with your friends. Girls are strict on the 'Chicks before dicks' rule, so even if she is willing to hang with your friends, a girl loyal to her friends would still refuse. Instead, offer to hang with her friends. Otherwise, you can reach a compromise, and hang with both your friends. However, do remember that every living moment does not need to be spent with your girlfriend.
  • Give her gifts, and often. The reason? No need. If you love her, shower her with gifts if it will make her happy. Buy her things that remind you of her, if you see something that she'd like, then buy it for her. The reason simply being 'because I thought you'd like it', or 'because I saw it and thought of you'. Why should Christmas, Valentine's Day or her birthday be any more special than any other day you spend with her? Show her that you appreciate every second in her presence.
  • Make her feel like your number one priority. If it's love, then why not? Who cares about work or studying. You will always get a second chance at those, but love is rare. What if you never encounter it again? Make the most of the opportunity, and treasure her time. Make her feel like she's the most important thing to you, put aside other tasks for her. If you have something crucial you need to do, then make it up for her later. She might also be understanding of your situation, so it's no biggie if you can't be there all the time.
  • Give her compliments. Notice her new haircuts, notice if she makes the effort to dress up for you, notice her strengths and talents, and compliment them.
  • Take part in her romantic rendezvous, no matter how ridiculous. If she really wants to go to the prom, take her, and look like you're enjoying yourself. If she wants a sunset stroll on the beach, walk her. Notice her hints on such things, if she points out cute scenes from movies, she talks about a particular event or function, or if she mentions something romantic that happened to her friends recently. However, DO NOT COPY STRAIGHT OUT OF THE MOVIES/WHAT OTHER GUYS DO. This is strictly important. Be original! If she just told you about what some guy gave his girlfriend, the last thing you want to do is go get her exactly the same thing. Give her a variation, but NEVER the same thing. If it's a scene from a movie, be careful that you don't get overly cheesey or cliche.
NOTE: When you're supporting her or doing as she wishes, it is important that you still have an opinion, and EXPRESS it. No girl wants a dead boring guy who agrees to everything she wants, goes wherever she goes, and who has no opinion of his own. If she likes you, she'd like you for YOU, not how much you agree with her, or how you follow her around like a puppy. Adore her, but arguments or disagreements SHOULD HAPPEN. I'm not saying to go pick up fights, or to hold your beliefs or morals against her. Respect her own beliefs, but if yours are different, do not feel the need to conform to hers, or vice versa.
