So there a few L words that guys must know. Girls take it seriously, so pay attention, and take notes:
1. Like: you like chocolate, you like your friends, you like football. You like women as friends, this is the lowest least meaningful word on the L word chain.
2. Like: yes, that's italics, use it when you want to be slightly more than friends but aren't sure if you want to get serious yet. Be careful when using this word, girls can take it the wrong way. Never say 'I like you' unless you want to start getting romantic. Never say 'I like her' to your friends, and mean that you like her as friend. If you like someone as a friend, CLEARLY STATE SO.
3. Lust: Dangerous thing, can often be mistaken for love. You can like and lust, OR love and lust, but lust and lust alone should not be the basis of a relationship. Lust is the animal-like need to get physical; kiss, touch, sleep together, etc. If you and your girlfriend are all touchy-touchy and no serious talking, it's lust. If you like a girl for her looks and for how she'd probably be in bed, and you have no interest in getting to know who she really is, that's lust. A lustful relationship is fine, as long as both of you know that it's not very serious, that it's more of a friends-with-benefits thing than a boyfriend-girlfriend thing. Leading her on to make her think that the loving will come after you're done with the lusting, IS WRONG.
4. Love: It's a strange thing, some people claim they can tell WHEN it is that they fall in love, others say they come into terms with it eventually. Indicators of love: your heart spasmodically pumping when you see her, you feel all electrified when you touch her, you feel like you've been lightning struck when you catch her eyes, and you feel all numb down to your toes, you feel uncontrollably over-the-top floating-on-air happy, happy enough to make you feel like randomly bursting into song or to make you jump with joy, you grin at the thought of her, she occupies 98% of your thoughts, every single thing she does to indicate her affection to you makes you happy, multiplied a million times, every single thing she does to slightly hurt you, whether she knows it or not, makes you feel down, multiplied a million times. It basically feels like all your senses, feelings and emotions are going haywire.