Saturday, January 17, 2009

How To Tell If A Girl Likes You

  • She really makes an effort to get to know you
  • She's flirting with you (hair twirling, using your name often, she laughs hard at a lot of things you say, she makes eye contact often, only to quickly look away, she compliments you)
  • Her eyes dilate when you're nearby (it's often hard to tell if the girl has dark eyes, but its scientifically proven that the eyes dilate when they see something they find attractive)
  • She tries to engage you in conversation, and finds the excuse to talk to you
  • She is unusually nervous around you
  • She is more casual and relaxed around other guys, or her own friends
  • She asks you for help often (e.g. with homework, something she doesn't get at school, her feet hurt, she's feeling cold, she's thirsty and needs a drink, etc.) She's not feeling needy, she's testing you to see how you'd react if she's in need.
  • She is usually the one next to you when with a large group of friends (e.g. when you're watching a movie, walking around in the mall)
  • She talks about more serious matters when you're alone, often concerning your family or your future plans
  • She makes reference to a lot of her ex-boyfriends, or of guys who have liked her, or currently like her (she's trying to make you jealous, and make you realise that she is desired by others)
  • She flirts with your friends, but she doesn't engage in serious conversations with them, only casual banter (again, she's trying to make you jealous)
  • She remembers little unimportant details, such as the day you met, how you met, a small thing you mentioned a while ago
  • She asks you if you have a girlfriend, whether you've had any girlfriends in the past, what you look for in a girl
  • Her friends often find excuses to leave the two of you alone, they giggle or look at the two of you curiously when together
  • She makes contact often (e,g, hugging, lightly touching your shoulder, pretending to punch or slap you)
  • She extends your conversations and goes into detail on most of the things you say, she's asks many questions
  • She likes your new haircut
  • She smiles often at you
  • She gets easily offended at some things that you don't find offensive at all (girls have fragile hearts. Guys don't know this, but they often, unintentionally, send off the wrong signals). Things such as talking about how hot/cute/pretty another girl is, seeming uninterested at what she has to say
  • She casually mentions that she thinks you're a date-able kind of guy
Yes, this list is long, but over the years, women have developed many ways of hinting her feelings towards a guy without actually screaming out 'I LIKE YOU, DAMMIT!', but men can really be very infuriating when they are blatantly oblivious to all our hints.

However, don't be too cocky if a girl does some of the things on the list (or a close alternative). You wouldn't want to be over paranoid and think that every girl is hot for your heels, because that just makes you arrogant and overconfident, and girls don't like that.

- Ebony